Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dear Diary, March 21,1943

Today hasn't been the best day. Me and my husband both got up and made breakfast. It started off great. I got done eating then went back up to my bed. I had began to run a fever that made me all woozy and made me feel like i couldn't eat at all. I had decided that it be best to try to get some rest but when i tryed all that happened was that i broke out into a cold sweat. It's been 3 weeks since i started coughing. This is killing me. I don't know what's wrong and I'm worried about my baby. I having been coughing up more and more blood. I went and sent a telegraph to the doctor telling him. I can't speak so i found it better to have a solider run it for me. I am terribly scared. O speaking of being terribly scared i got a letter today from my family. My mother just died. How am i supposed to explain this to my husband. He has never met mmy family because the second he would he would audomaticly know of my religion. Of being a jew. I wished i could go home but with me showing jow pregnent i have become and with me being sick i don't think that is the best idea. I love my family but with seeing the tanks getting loaded onto trucks makes me relize i really need to be with my husband right now. I will call when i know my husband can not hear me. I have to talk in my native tongue and he will know something is up. But i must go. It's getting dark and the doctor has arrived. peace be with you.


1 comment:

  1. What you have here is good - but you needed to focus more on the United States for US History class. I wish you had finished - I'd like to know what all the coughing is about!
