Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dear Diary, February 18, 1943

This new aircraft has been imported to the Luftwaffe. Its bulky and i don't understand how any one is able to get it off the ground but, they make it look so easy. I over heard a group of pilots talking about it saying it had an 8,000 pound missile strapped to the bottom of it. The pilots that fly these are not like any other of them. They wear different uniforms and answer to a different commander. My husband only speaks little of them. He says "a wives talents and smarts should not be wasted on war and details of it." I don't understand why people think that women can't expand there rights and duty. Just wait. Someone in this world will change the face and the thinking of every person on this planet. I can't believe this. There is a new shipment that has just come in. Its about 10 crates full of supplies. The main supply is guns. The guns they are using just don't look like the ones that would just kill. They look like the kind of gun that would leave a permanent stain of blood on the eyes on the shooter and always make them thrive for more then they could handle. They would become blood drunk. Germans don't understand. They don't understand that they are killing someones child. All they care about is being the person with the bigger gun in the face of women and children. Would my husband ever turn like that and shoot me? I must go. It is getting dark and i can't seem to stop coughing.


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