Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dear Diary, March 21,1943

Today hasn't been the best day. Me and my husband both got up and made breakfast. It started off great. I got done eating then went back up to my bed. I had began to run a fever that made me all woozy and made me feel like i couldn't eat at all. I had decided that it be best to try to get some rest but when i tryed all that happened was that i broke out into a cold sweat. It's been 3 weeks since i started coughing. This is killing me. I don't know what's wrong and I'm worried about my baby. I having been coughing up more and more blood. I went and sent a telegraph to the doctor telling him. I can't speak so i found it better to have a solider run it for me. I am terribly scared. O speaking of being terribly scared i got a letter today from my family. My mother just died. How am i supposed to explain this to my husband. He has never met mmy family because the second he would he would audomaticly know of my religion. Of being a jew. I wished i could go home but with me showing jow pregnent i have become and with me being sick i don't think that is the best idea. I love my family but with seeing the tanks getting loaded onto trucks makes me relize i really need to be with my husband right now. I will call when i know my husband can not hear me. I have to talk in my native tongue and he will know something is up. But i must go. It's getting dark and the doctor has arrived. peace be with you.

Dear Diary, March 10,1943

My cough has become so much worse. I haven't been able to sit up quickly or or run or do anything alone or quickly. I have a few months until my baby decided to show his face. O yes it's a boy. We have decided to name him John. It's a miracle. I have a human growing in me and when i begin to reminisces on this i look outside and see that there are 2000 new tanks that have been given to the German army. It worries me a lot that my husband is actually going to fight on the front lines of this up coming battle. There is a rumor that my husband is driving the led tank. I hope he is back before the baby comes. But i must go. I will write when i can.

Love ,

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dear Diary, March 3, 1943

Hello dear diary. I know it's been a long time since i have writ en last, but it seems that i just cant find the time to sit down and actually think. My husband has been running in and out of the house at all hours to help. He has been acting weird though. The other day he had came home and seemed very mad. He walked over to me mumbling something under his breathe until he got me then he smiled and kissed me. I had to bribe a solider outside to tell me what was going on. He had told me that some of the higher ranking officials had conspired a plan to be rid of Hitler. It kinda shocked me but then i got to thinking, i was sent to kill this man but im in love with him. It's amazing what will happened and what will begin to change with time and pressure. I reamin loyal to my husband.

love always,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dear Diary, Feburary 26, 1943
How are you? My day has just started off amazingly and it seems it will only get better. It started off with my husband waking me up with his whispers. He tryed so hard not to wake me up while putting my breakfest on my bed. I woke up to his lips on mine and hearing him say my love it's time to wake up. I love him so much and today even with my cough is going to be an amaizng day. I walked outside with the greetings of soliders outside my door greeting me and asking why i'm so happy. I walked over to the buildings and saw a big crate on the ground with 12 more being unloaded from the plane. One of the soliders opened up the crate and saw guns and smiled. He pulled a gun out and called me over. I was very suprised that they wanted to talk to me about this, but i guess knowing i was the wife of the man in charged, they were very friendly. The gun on the left is the STG44. It was orignaly designed in 1942 but then was acctually used on the front lines in 1943. It was a fully automatic gun that only had the side effect of its users going deaf when fired too much. This gun was very powerful and always left a mark. I went over to my husband and he pulled me over to him giving me a kiss on my forehead. I leaned over to the side and started coughing uncontrolably. Blood got all over my hand when i tryed to cover my mouth. I closed my hand and told my husband that i am going shopping and that i will be home at about 6 to cook him dinner. i gave him a kiss and walked away. As i was walking away i opened my hand and looked at the blood. It was caked onto my hand and wasn't coming off. All i could think about was what was going to happen to my baby. But im off to the store. I'll write latter when I can.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dear Diary, February 22,1943

I woke up this morning to the sound of canons, tanks, gunfire, and the ground being disarrayed. The screams seeming to come closer and closer; they seem to be right outside my door. I can't believe I have to wake up to this. Yes, it's bad to think about it, but you know i am so used to it that it hasn't gotten to me till this morning. When waking up and hearing women scream "STOP!" forces you to sling back to reality, it's hard to think about this human growing in me. The doctor has come today and did my pregnancy test. He had taken out his equipment and unrolled it revealing his needles and knives. They put my arm in a sling and then put something tight above my elbow to cut off my blood circulation. They stuck in the needle to achieve just enough blood to tell if i was pregnent. My husband was at the command center looking over the tanks that awoke me with a startle. I love him but it's so hard to know that my husband isn't here during our moment of confirming this human. Man my cough is getting worse. I'm not entirely sure what is going on. I relized my tissue was red when i had finally caught my breathe.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dear Diary, February 18, 1943

This new aircraft has been imported to the Luftwaffe. Its bulky and i don't understand how any one is able to get it off the ground but, they make it look so easy. I over heard a group of pilots talking about it saying it had an 8,000 pound missile strapped to the bottom of it. The pilots that fly these are not like any other of them. They wear different uniforms and answer to a different commander. My husband only speaks little of them. He says "a wives talents and smarts should not be wasted on war and details of it." I don't understand why people think that women can't expand there rights and duty. Just wait. Someone in this world will change the face and the thinking of every person on this planet. I can't believe this. There is a new shipment that has just come in. Its about 10 crates full of supplies. The main supply is guns. The guns they are using just don't look like the ones that would just kill. They look like the kind of gun that would leave a permanent stain of blood on the eyes on the shooter and always make them thrive for more then they could handle. They would become blood drunk. Germans don't understand. They don't understand that they are killing someones child. All they care about is being the person with the bigger gun in the face of women and children. Would my husband ever turn like that and shoot me? I must go. It is getting dark and i can't seem to stop coughing.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dear Diary, Febuary 15,1943

Today has to of been the worst day ever. I was surronded by the german soliders and the blood and the loose arms and legs laying in piles. I walk out side into this horrific place and all i see and hear are muffeled screams or gun shoots in my ear or some sort of animal screeching. It has become so bad that i have to stay in my house at all times with gaurds in front of me. O diary i forgot to tell you. You are now the only person that knows any of this. Im pregnent. The doctor is coming in a few days to check how far im along. Me and my husband couldnt be happier. But im terrifyed. Why would any saine person bring a child into this kind of aweful war. I don't know maybe Hitler isnt doing something right. Maybe the fear of the jews and the russians and every human being is getting to him. I wonder what would happen if someone told him he was jewish. Its bad enough that the evidence of his origin is in ruble in Berlin. But time will only tell. I remain loyal always to my nation and my husband. Peace be with you.

